Getting Back To Activity

Strong knees: On the road and the ranch again.

Our co-founder, Dr. Kiburz, has observed that patients with knee problems benefit from taking HA (Hyaluronic Acid). One case study story tells of “Amelia”, a long-distance runner and biker. (Her name has been changed to protect her privacy.)

Amelia and her long-distance cycling friends. (Used with permission.)

Amelia is a 60-year-old athlete. She loves to run and bike. In her life, Amelia has run and biked more than 100,000 miles. (Yes, you read that right: 100,000 miles!) However, after all those miles, her knees started to have issues. Her knees often hurt and became swollen. Her knees were making strange clicking sounds. It was getting harder and harder for Amelia to pursue her love of running and biking.

Eventually, Amelia had two knee surgeries, performed by Dr. Kiburz, to deal with her damaged joints. After the second surgery, Dr. Kiburz gave her a bottle of HA-TOPSHELF and asked her to try it as part of a comprehensive recovery plan.

At Dr Kiburz’s recommendation, Amelia used HA-TOPSHELF. After following the comprehensive recovery plan for several months, Amelia perceived that HA-TOPSHELF and the strengthening exercises were improving her condition so much that she has continued to use HA-TOPSHELF to help her continue and maintain her improvement.

Amelia is on the road again! She is increasing her activity and able to do the things she loves to do. Another happy ending due to HA-TOPSHELF.

In another case study story of how HA-TOPSHELF benefits knees, one of Dr. Kiburz’s patients, Amy (her name has been changed to protect her privacy), injured her knee in a ranch accident and required surgery. Adding HA-TOPSHELF to her recovery regimen allowed Amy to heal and resume her regular ranching activities within 4 months. Not too long ago, she helped put up 450 bales of hay on a hot summer afternoon. That is quite the recovery!

Stay tuned to learn more about our amazing joints and how HA helps our joints to stay strong and pain free.