
Hyaluronan: The Most Important Molecule in Your Body is an informative, accessible, data-driven book describing an important health-related molecule that everyone should know about.
Orthopedic surgeon, Douglas W. Kiburz, MD, mines peerreviewed clinical and basic science research to describe health benefits of hyaluronan.

  • Improve muscle strength
  • Improve joint function by decreasing pain and stiffness
  • Increase quality of life by naturally decreasing pain
  • Support bone healing
  • Reduce processes leading to osteoporosis
  • Contribute to healthy functioning of the immune system
  • Protect the respiratory system from allergy and inflammation
  • Contribute to healthy microbiome
  • Improve objective and subjective signs of healthy, youthful skin
  • Decrease dry eye.

Dr Kiburz’s real-life patients describe their experiences with hyaluronan and how they believe that hyaluronan has improved their health. Dr. Kiburz has used what he has learned about hyaluronan to develop a high quality, high molecular weight, over the counter hyaluronan product, HA-TOPSHELF that he feels comfortable recommending to his patients. Dr. Kiburz is an animal lover who owns cats, dogs, and awardwinning American Quarter Horses. Hyaluronan is an important molecule for all mammals: Dr Kiburz gives hyaluronan to his animals to improve their lives.

Why Have We Written This Book?

Why Have We Written This Book?

Hyaluronan improves health. It is that simple! Dr. Douglas Kiburz is an orthopedic surgeon. He is devoted to the well-being of the people in his life—his family and his patients. Even though surgery and prescription medications are the tools of his profession, he...

Your Body Is Made Up Of Organ Systems

Your Body Is Made Up Of Organ Systems

The systems in your body are not all that different from the systems in your car. Like your body, your car is a collection of systems: The lubrication system, the braking system, the fuel system, and the chassis. Some systems are mechanical. In the engine, moving...

Hyaluronic Acid Is Important In Many Organ Systems

Hyaluronic Acid Is Important In Many Organ Systems

Naturally-occurring and exogenously-added Hyaluronic Acid are important in many organ systems. In the next few sections, we are going to discuss specific organ systems in your body where peer-reviewed clinical and scientific research suggests that HA exists naturally,...

Orthopedic Patients, Dogs & Horses

Orthopedic Patients, Dogs & Horses

A doctor learns a thing or two from horses and dogs. How did Dr. Kiburz become interested in Hyaluronic Acid as a beneficial molecule in the first place? For that answer, we must turn to dogs, cats, and horses. Dr. Kiburz and his wife, Connie, own dogs, cats, and...

Hyaluronan Is An Essential Body Molecule

Hyaluronan Is An Essential Body Molecule

Taking responsibility for our health. Our health and wellness are our personal responsibility. We cannot change our genetic makeup, but we can control some aspects of our health by making informed choices. Good health and wellness begin with understanding our family...

Bob, Olympia, & HA

Bob, Olympia, & HA

Bob is an 89-year-old man who has a beloved 18-year-old cat named Olympia.     Bob and Olympia like to do all the things that a cat and her human like to do together. Olympia loves to sit on Bob’s lap, and Bob loves to scratch her ears. Olympia adores...

Naked Mole-Rats

Naked Mole-Rats

Unlocking the secret to HA & long-life. The critter in the photo on this page is a female naked mole-rat.9 Cute little gal, isn’t she? Naked mole-rats live in Africa and they are the source of a very important observation about the health benefits of Hyaluronic...

Strong Muscles

Strong Muscles

Muscles occur in surprising places in your body. When most people think of muscles, they see “Ah-nold” and his biceps in the Terminator movies. But did you know that muscles also occur in your blood vessels, heart, brain, and intestines? Biceps are important, but some...

Getting Back To Activity

Getting Back To Activity

Strong knees: On the road and the ranch again. Our co-founder, Dr. Kiburz, has observed that patients with knee problems benefit from taking HA (Hyaluronic Acid). One case study story tells of “Amelia”, a long-distance runner and biker. (Her name has been changed to...

Joints & Arthritis

Joints & Arthritis

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